How it works
Únashay moves in many ways. Below is a start of land-based and regional offerings we are developing. Have a look and reach out to inquire.

consider a stay with us
Únashay presently offers paid stays on the land (in one or both of our guest homes +/ or community spaces). For 2025, our board is working to implement free (pilot) grief residencies by invitation only. These will develop and increase in time, with more availability to the public; but for now, we are in deep discernment and design space to co-create integral holding and community care for our guests.
For those who are able to pay- thank you for supporting us(!) and please know that your payment will go directly into Únashay’s non-profit resource pool, to develop our programming, pay staff, and ultimately serve the community. See below all the ways this might look + fill out the ‘Stay Inquiry Form’ for interest.

other invitations to take space
This is for shared <public or private> events, performance/ art, memorials, learning, eating together, and more. Read below how this might look, and reach out to inquire.

𓁢 note:
We seek guests that honor this place as much as we do. Please hold this in mind as you consider a stay +/ or use of our spaces. We welcome and invite all to tune in to how their presence/ ‘work’ in the world might help us deepen in this path, in all its many forms.

What is a Noria grief café?
Noria grief cafés are hosted monthly in regional locations throughout New Mexico. They are a hybrid of guided and exploratory sharing of what hurts, held in gentle, curious, reverent community, (with tea and/ or potluck food to follow)! Each month is led by different facilitators, artists, coming from varying experiences of loss, cultural backgrounds, and expressions, whilst holding a common thread of reverence for all.

Grief and/ or Artist Residencies
These residencies are currently being crafted for grievers and/ or artists all over the resource spectrum. They will:
* Offer space to slow down, be with the land, create, and in one’s solitude.
* Provide connected presence and land-based care by grief-aware Companions, Artists, Cooks, Movers, Body Workers and more, according to one's needs.
* Provide ongoing care, community and resources (local and online) for each guest.